Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex and the biggest bottle collection in the world
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Tony and Jude at the Carlsberg Brewery
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex and the Carlsberg elephant
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Kyla and Alex up Vor Frelsers Kirke, Copenhagen
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Jude near top of Vor Frelsers Kirke, Copenhagen
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: view from Vor Frelsers Kirke, Copenhagen
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Vor Frelsers Kirke, Copenhagen
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Vor Frelsers Kirke, Copenhagen
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex and the tallest man in the world
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Copenhagen from Rundetarn
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Copenhagen from Rundetarn