Kwong Yee Cheng: Nice Cafe in Leopold Museum, Cafe Leopold
Kwong Yee Cheng: Cake Showcase in Cafe Demel
Kwong Yee Cheng: Gustav Klimt's Death and Life in Leopold Museum
Kwong Yee Cheng: View from the back of Schonbrunn Palace
Kwong Yee Cheng: Inside of Upper Belvedere
Kwong Yee Cheng: View from the back of Upper Belvedere Palace, facing Lower Belvedere
Kwong Yee Cheng: South Entrance to Upper Belvedere
Kwong Yee Cheng: Upper Belvedere
Kwong Yee Cheng: Inside of Upper Belvedere
Kwong Yee Cheng: Staatsoper - State Opera House
Kwong Yee Cheng: Inside Staatsoper, State Opera House
Kwong Yee Cheng: Riesenrad, the Ferris Wheel
Kwong Yee Cheng: Rathaus
Kwong Yee Cheng: Courtyard of Rathaus (City Hall)
Kwong Yee Cheng: One of the robes displayed in the Imperial Treasury
Kwong Yee Cheng: Hofburg - Imperial Palace
Kwong Yee Cheng: Stephansdom - St. Stephen's Cathedral