kwyc: 今年第一騎
kwyc: heading to barnston island
kwyc: 全副武裝
kwyc: go!
kwyc: ships on land
kwyc: 賺一天
kwyc: where where?
kwyc: mooo
kwyc: greeting
kwyc: smiiiile
kwyc: everyone is starting at me
kwyc: calves
kwyc: 2.5 hours ride on bike
kwyc: ferrying over
kwyc: nice day out
kwyc: ferry ride
kwyc: tug boat
kwyc: laaa
kwyc: all loaded and ready to go!
kwyc: waiting
kwyc: 3pm lunch time!
kwyc: $5 foot long promo
kwyc: ahead to 30min of traffic jam
kwyc: blue sky
kwyc: giant kite
kwyc: roar
kwyc: blue gradient
kwyc: tulip town
kwyc: ploughed
kwyc: only a machine can do that