Pacific Justice Institute's Ron and Terri Franklin at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pacific Justice Institute's Susanne Dacus (far right) and friends at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pacific Justice Institute's Clarissa Toll and Eric Sawyer at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pastor Joe and Kathleen Pedick of Calvary Chapel of the Harbour at the Pacific Justice Institute's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Mark and Jenny Shaffer with Todd Starnes at the Pacific Justice Institute's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Greg Laurie praying at the Pacific Justice Institute's at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pacific Justice Institute's Brad Dacus with an award presentation for Greg Laurie at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pacific Justice Institute's Brad Dacus at the Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pastor Wiilliam Sammadar and his wife who the Pacific Justice Institute helped with an Asylum case at PJI's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Richard and Carolyn Thurman whom the Pacific Justice Institute helped in a case in Bakersfield at PJI's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Tatsao Akamine, an evangelist helped by the Pacific Justice Institute at PJI's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Lindsey Wallace singing at the Pacific Justice Institute's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Lloyd Copenbarger who was an award recipient at the Pacific Justice Institute's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel
Pam Larson at the Pacific Justice Institute's Celebration of Justice at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel