kwve: 4th of July celebrants buying fireworks
kwve: Those who purchased fireworks received a free Calvary Chapel High School athletics t-shirt.
kwve: K-Wave pens!
kwve: Buying fireworks!
kwve: K-Wave listeners at the K-Wave booth!
kwve: Fireworks stand
kwve: Fireworks stand
kwve: K-Wave listeners at the K-Wave booth
kwve: CCHS softball assistant coach Lindsey O'Rourke with K-Wave's Cathi Parrish at broadcasting live from MacArthur and Harbor in Santa Ana at the fireworks stand
kwve: CCHS softball assistant coach Lindsey O'Rourke with K-Wave's Cathi Parrish at broadcasting live from MacArthur and Harbor in Santa Ana at the fireworks stand
kwve: Cathi Parrish with faithful K-Wave listeners!
kwve: A young K-Wave listener
kwve: Buying fireworks
kwve: Cathi Parrish with some 4th of July celebrating K-Wave listeners!
kwve: Cathi Parrish with the TNT Eagle
kwve: Cathi Parrish, the TNT Eagle and some K-Wave listeners.