Kitty Mao: Is this why owls are called 猫头鹰 [cat head hawk/eagle] in Chinese?
Kitty Mao: Safe. Secure. Serene.
Kitty Mao: "What? You mixed me up with Butter again?"
Kitty Mao: Can Opener?
Kitty Mao: Willing Her Lunch to Appear
Kitty Mao: Wouldn't you be, too?
Kitty Mao: "Play with me?" (Missy)
Kitty Mao: Watching the world go by.
Kitty Mao: "Harrumph! Young kittens these days!" (Jimmy)
Kitty Mao: "Seriously?"
Kitty Mao: "Look into my eyes!"
Kitty Mao: Week 27: Perfect (Balance)
Kitty Mao: Cats were worshipped in Ancient Egypt
Kitty Mao: Missy dreaming of mousie.
Kitty Mao: Tuxedo - a colorful B&W cat.
Kitty Mao: Mmmm.... Smell the coffee.
Kitty Mao: Somewhere out there...
Kitty Mao: Eye of the Tiger
Kitty Mao: "He's my hero!"
Kitty Mao: Quiet Contemplation
Kitty Mao: Silver by the window.
Kitty Mao: 'FEED ME NOW!"
Kitty Mao: "What are you doing back there?"
Kitty Mao: "Tomorrow, THE WORLD! Muahahahaaaaa....."
Kitty Mao: Wondering
Kitty Mao: Kelly. So Pretty.
Kitty Mao: Curly. In a basket.
Kitty Mao: Curly.
Kitty Mao: Super. Mario calculating his next jump.
Kitty Mao: "This had better be good!"