Kerry Wixted: Winged sumac (1)
Kerry Wixted: Black and yellow garden crop
Kerry Wixted: Euphorbia maculata
Kerry Wixted: Post oak (2)
Kerry Wixted: Fallopia cristata (1)
Kerry Wixted: Fallopia cristata (2)
Kerry Wixted: Fallopia cristata (3)
Kerry Wixted: Chicory crop
Kerry Wixted: Butter and Eggs
Kerry Wixted: Tobacco hornworm
Kerry Wixted: Carolina horsenettle
Kerry Wixted: Orange striped oakworm
Kerry Wixted: Lespedeza procumbens
Kerry Wixted: Lespedeza procumbens
Kerry Wixted: Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)
Kerry Wixted: Fall Webworm caterpillars
Kerry Wixted: Marbled orbweaver
Kerry Wixted: Collinsia canadensis
Kerry Wixted: Crab spider to ID
Kerry Wixted: Sweat bee
Kerry Wixted: Cardinal flower
Kerry Wixted: Deer tongue grass (Dichanthelium clandestinum)
Kerry Wixted: Virginia Water Horehound (Lycopus virginicus)
Kerry Wixted: Bumblebee on wingstem
Kerry Wixted: Spotted cucumber beetle
Kerry Wixted: False honey ants farming aphids
Kerry Wixted: Witches Butter & Brown Jelly fungi
Kerry Wixted: Spanish needles
Kerry Wixted: Spanish needles
Kerry Wixted: Walking stick