Kerry Wixted:
Sawwhet getting wing chord measured
Kerry Wixted:
sawwhet 012
Kerry Wixted:
owl 024
Kerry Wixted:
Aging procedure
Kerry Wixted:
sawwhet 015
Kerry Wixted:
Best way to spend Halloween!
Kerry Wixted:
Kerry Wixted:
Green Heron
Kerry Wixted:
Nest watching
Kerry Wixted:
Towhee eggs
Kerry Wixted:
American Woodcock chick
Kerry Wixted:
Canada Goose 1
Kerry Wixted:
Kerry Wixted:
Kerry Wixted:
Black Vulture
Kerry Wixted:
A Woodcock in Hand is Worth...
Kerry Wixted:
Barred Owl
Kerry Wixted:
Screech Owl
Kerry Wixted:
Tree Swallow
Kerry Wixted:
Female mallard in Baltimore
Kerry Wixted:
Female mallard in flight
Kerry Wixted:
hike 006
Kerry Wixted:
Kerry Wixted:
Processing an owl
Kerry Wixted:
Me with a Saw-whet
Kerry Wixted:
When Saw-whets attack!
Kerry Wixted:
House Sparrow
Kerry Wixted:
House finches
Kerry Wixted:
Female house finch
Kerry Wixted:
Northern Cardinal