Kerry Wixted: Sensitive fern
Kerry Wixted: Greenbriar (Smilax sp.)
Kerry Wixted: False Solomon's Seal
Kerry Wixted: Bedstraw
Kerry Wixted: Japanese Knotweed
Kerry Wixted: Gingko biloba
Kerry Wixted: Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Kerry Wixted: Sassafras
Kerry Wixted: Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Kerry Wixted: Tree of Heaven
Kerry Wixted: Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
Kerry Wixted: What I loooove to see!
Kerry Wixted: Queen Anne's Lace
Kerry Wixted: Morning Glory
Kerry Wixted: Indianpipe (monotropa uniflora)
Kerry Wixted: Black-eyed Susan
Kerry Wixted: American Frogbit (6)
Kerry Wixted: Rattlesnake Plantain
Kerry Wixted: Gooseberry
Kerry Wixted: Mountain Ash
Kerry Wixted: Blue Cohosh
Kerry Wixted: Deer Browse on Bloodroot
Kerry Wixted: Trumpet creeper
Kerry Wixted: Spotted Pipsissewa
Kerry Wixted: Dewy Violet
Kerry Wixted: Liatris
Kerry Wixted: Wooly Mullein
Kerry Wixted: Wood Lily
Kerry Wixted: Cypress
Kerry Wixted: Sunflower