{.kristin.}: 365/92 - My REAL job. :)
{.kristin.}: 365/93 - mushroom butt.
{.kristin.}: 365/94 - life is too short to follow the rules EVERY DAY.
{.kristin.}: 365/95 - just me.
{.kristin.}: 365/96 - life in suburbia....Williams style.
{.kristin.}: 365/97 - yeah, so what this is the only Easter decoration I have in my house and my friend Shannon gave it to me??
{.kristin.}: 365/98 - One Shining Moment
{.kristin.}: 365/99 - what ever happened to the letter people in Kindergarten?
{.kristin.}: 365/100 - (for real)....the end.