{.kristin.}: 365/1 - resolutions
{.kristin.}: 365/2 - Gehrig & Me
{.kristin.}: 365/3 - monster truck night
{.kristin.}: 365/4 - choices.
{.kristin.}: 365/4 - back to school.
{.kristin.}: 365/6 - t-shirt anyone?
{.kristin.}: 365/7 - All I ever needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten
{.kristin.}: 365/8 - sledding.
{.kristin.}: 365/9 - I will always love you.
{.kristin.}: 365/10 - cleaning toilets in a house full of boys.
{.kristin.}: 365/12 - "had to haves" of 2004
{.kristin.}: 365/13 - proudest moments.
{.kristin.}: 365/14 - my "must haves" of the late 90's.
{.kristin.}: 365/15 - cold.
{.kristin.}: 365/16 - waiting for the bus...inside.
{.kristin.}: 365/17 - fortune.
{.kristin.}: 365/18 friendship on skis.
{.kristin.}: 365/19 - sledding with my boys.
{.kristin.}: 365/20 - hope is in our hands now.
{.kristin.}: 365/21 - my world.
{.kristin.}: 365/22 - I am your mother.
{.kristin.}: 365/23 - what mothers of little boys do when the kids leave for school.
{.kristin.}: 365/24 - ex-zamboni driver.
{.kristin.}: 365/25 - DWP (driving while photographing)
{.kristin.}: 365/26 - my head is spinning.
{.kristin.}: 365/27 - i have been wanting to throw out this whiny annoying little boy for years.
{.kristin.}: 365/28 - "Weigh in Wednesday" Week 1
{.kristin.}: 365/29 - Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Kick Off Meeting
{.kristin.}: 365/30 - apparently these two parts have something to do with holding up my side of the bed?
{.kristin.}: 365/31 - "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”