Ryan_Newton: The fish is landed
Ryan_Newton: Poor bugger also got hooked in the side
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8853
Ryan_Newton: Snapper took the surf popper
Ryan_Newton: Snapper
Ryan_Newton: Snapper
Ryan_Newton: Snapper
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8858
Ryan_Newton: Ripped Pants
Ryan_Newton: Preparing Dinner
Ryan_Newton: Cleaning the fish back at camp
Ryan_Newton: Campsite Setup
Ryan_Newton: Sand marks from Will dragging Matt into the water :)
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8864
Ryan_Newton: Death of a Camping Chair
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8866
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8867
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8868
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8869
Ryan_Newton: Something that isnt a shark
Ryan_Newton: The Town Drunk
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8874
Ryan_Newton: Fishing
Ryan_Newton: Ranger
Ryan_Newton: F BOMB
Ryan_Newton: Hazardous Campsite
Ryan_Newton: IMGP8881