Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd Working Party - The undergrowth threatened to engulf the landscaped gardens along the lightly wooded area along the Echo Path
Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd Working Party - The woodland floor is now open to the light again, and the mass of undergrowth between here and the lawns can be seen much reduced
Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd - Working Party Looking down the Echo Path towards the House showing the impact of clearance on the views out to the lawns
Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd Working Party - From the Echo Path showing the amount of undergrowth removed from these landscaped gardens. Unfortunate about the poor damaged oak and fallen Line tree though. Too big for us to cope with
Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd Working Party - Back up the echo Path from the track to the Woodland Car Park. Plenty of brambles came out from here as well as choking ivy from the trees
Kings Weston Action Group: 3rd Working Party - From the woodland garden looking back out towards Kings Weston House