Georgie_grrl: Cheers!
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Fog, Light and Rain
p~d: Oz
Georgie_grrl: Chicken Dinner
Defence Imagery: Armistice Day marked by Services worldwide
Alexandr Tikki: Buzludzja (Explore)
Alexandr Tikki: Modern Baku (Explore)
ZensLens: Moose crossing
Defence Imagery: London District's Sergeant Rupert Frere wins a total of eight categories in the Army Photographic Competition 2015
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Winter Arrives at the Quay
Avanaut: The Pit Stop
kaybee07: Snowstorm on New Year Day. Because we're crazy like that. A sneak peek of my latest photoshoot with an awesome model Kaitlind.
tomms: Winter lookdown
Georgie_grrl: The Ten-Ants of the Cameron House
swanksalot: Everybody's Got To Change Sometime
BruceK: Queen to King
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Rainy Eve at the Christmas Market