*kvr*: DSC_4039.jpg
*kvr*: (partial) Kiwi Dream Team
*kvr*: DSC_4043.jpg
*kvr*: Gray whales
*kvr*: Gray whales
*kvr*: DSC_4070.jpg
*kvr*: Snowy egret and scenery
*kvr*: Leopard sharks (?) near Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: DSC_4110.jpg
*kvr*: Great blue heron, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: DSC_4128.jpg
*kvr*: Snowy egret, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Common dolphin, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Common dolphins, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Common dolphins, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Humpback whale and common dolphins
*kvr*: Brown pelican, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Ground squirrel
*kvr*: Belted Kingfisher
*kvr*: Kiwi Dream Team <3
*kvr*: Coal Oil Point sunset
*kvr*: Coal Oil Point sunset
*kvr*: Bunny, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Snowy egret, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Snowy egret, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Snowy egrets, Coal Oil Point
*kvr*: Anna's hummingbird (?) and bird of paradise
*kvr*: Common dolphins and "Holly"
*kvr*: DSC_6305.jpg
*kvr*: Common dolphins