KvonK: A straight looker ... at least this time!
KvonK: Hello, it's me...I'm in...
KvonK: Cyrus - 2016
KvonK: The Stare
KvonK: Our Pet Family...
KvonK: If I Sit On It...
KvonK: The Dog Days of Winter...
KvonK: Patiently Waiting...
KvonK: Hugo...a dashing fella!
KvonK: Oh joy, Oh bliss...
KvonK: You Forgot Me...
KvonK: Oliver
KvonK: Oliver 14-100X
KvonK: Red ...is now Oliver!
KvonK: Homey.....
KvonK: Meow....can you love me?
KvonK: Oh those eyes....
KvonK: Rex
KvonK: I'm a big boy now... 337/P366
KvonK: Sibling 1. 323/P366
KvonK: Sibling 2
KvonK: Siblings 3 and 4
KvonK: Gracie 255/P366
KvonK: Miss Lily 218/P366
KvonK: Guard Kitty...or at least he thinks so... 181/P366
KvonK: Dog Days of Summer!
KvonK: 'Ruffing' it!
KvonK: Tucker 130/P366
KvonK: Otherwise Interested! 70/P366
KvonK: Basking