kvdl: 96th.
kvdl: leaves.
kvdl: frosty leaf detritus.
kvdl: frosty berries
kvdl: frozen ditch
kvdl: wednesday morning.
kvdl: leisure.
kvdl: stillness, o stillness.
kvdl: penta.
kvdl: intersecting concentric.
kvdl: vote green.
kvdl: who ya gonna call?
kvdl: a family of trees wantin’ to be haunted.
kvdl: creek.
kvdl: singularity.
kvdl: lost.
kvdl: good fences.
kvdl: forest fern.
kvdl: M+S.
kvdl: in between.
kvdl: the days of may.
kvdl: forest fog.
kvdl: serpentine hollow.
kvdl: october sky.