kvdl: looking like a monk.
kvdl: path.
kvdl: vista.
kvdl: 50/50.
kvdl: katzie marsh
kvdl: the grass is greener on this side
kvdl: tranquilizer.
kvdl: bathed in a stream of pure light.
kvdl: clearly canadian.
kvdl: reflections on march.
kvdl: a break in the clouds.
kvdl: road to nowhere.
kvdl: daybreak.
kvdl: misty mountain hop.
kvdl: cloudscape.
kvdl: mirror a still sky.
kvdl: tranquil morning.
kvdl: river to another day.
kvdl: riverbank.
kvdl: the kind of september.
kvdl: bliss.
kvdl: mystic morning.
kvdl: subtleties.
kvdl: seeing where the path will take me.
kvdl: dusk.
kvdl: nothing in all creation is so like god as stillness.
kvdl: frost + fog.
kvdl: pure and simple.
kvdl: sunday stroll.
kvdl: moonrise.