kvdl: fraser hwy.
kvdl: white.
kvdl: winter afternoon.
kvdl: sunday snow.
kvdl: wednesday morning.
kvdl: sturdy shape.
kvdl: look out your window and i’ll be gone.
kvdl: so come to the pond. or the river of your imagination. or the harbor of your longing.
kvdl: oh, had i a golden thread.
kvdl: intangible.
kvdl: still water.
kvdl: when lo by break of morning ii.
kvdl: when lo by break of morning.
kvdl: on the move.
kvdl: the fen at dawn.
kvdl: nostalgic in the morning.
kvdl: mighty fraser.
kvdl: some glad morning.
kvdl: good morning.
kvdl: first of february.
kvdl: eastbound.
kvdl: website.
kvdl: surrey dyking district.
kvdl: mallard in the morning mist.
kvdl: and then it dawned on me.
kvdl: darkness descends.
kvdl: working river.
kvdl: dawn's early light.
kvdl: sweet surrey sunrise.
kvdl: tranquil space.