Kutoyx: Elo in Starbucks - Dublin, IE
Kutoyx: Self-Irish-Portrait, O'Neill - Dublin, IE
Kutoyx: Florie at the O'Neill - Dublin, IE
Kutoyx: Barbara at the O'Neill - Dublin, IE-2
Kutoyx: Ladies, O'Neill - Dublin, IE-2
Kutoyx: Elo at the O'Neill - Dublin, IE-2
Kutoyx: Karine at the O'Neill - Dublin, IE
Kutoyx: Elo at the O'Neill - Dublin, IE
Kutoyx: Nico and Cécile B&W - Glendalough, Wicklow Mountains , IE
Kutoyx: Richie - Glendalough, Wicklow Mountains , IE
Kutoyx: Nico, alias BarbeRousse ! ahah - Glendalough, Wicklow Mountains , IE
Kutoyx: The Team - Glendalough, Wicklow Mountains , IE-2
Kutoyx: Self-portrait
Kutoyx: Shooter shot !
Kutoyx: 5 years ago - Me