kusine: No running!
kusine: No pictures!
kusine: Line for Twilight panel outside convention center
kusine: Line for Twilight panel continuing down the street...
kusine: exhibition hall
kusine: exhibition hall
kusine: For Mindi
kusine: Stitch re-imagined
kusine: Lilo & Stitch & me
kusine: Ugly dolls accosting a small child
kusine: Me & the Green Hornet's car
kusine: Waiting in line for Hall H for 2.5 hours
kusine: Little Jedi
kusine: Peter Jackson
kusine: The guys from Big Bang Theory
kusine: From Chuck
kusine: John Barrowman, Russel T. Davies & David Tennant
kusine: David Tennant
kusine: David Tennant close-up
kusine: End of the line
kusine: Bye, Comic Con!