no_typographic_man: Gate of the King Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech
no_typographic_man: Interior, The National Art Center, Tokyo
no_typographic_man: Interior, The National Art Center, Tokyo
no_typographic_man: Gate, The National Art Center, Tokyo
no_typographic_man: Ulam Spiral composed of 360,000 prime numbers
no_typographic_man: UlamSpiral (negative)
no_typographic_man: a neo-Italian rationalist architecture? No, this is in Tokyo
no_typographic_man: Komazawa Olympic Park, Tokyo, infrared, noise-reduced.
no_typographic_man: An infrared picture taken at Komazawa Olympic Park, Tokyo Japan
no_typographic_man: building
no_typographic_man: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the United States