no_typographic_man: Manuel Typographique by Pierre Simon Fournier
no_typographic_man: Inland type foundry's standard line justification table
no_typographic_man: peritext
no_typographic_man: Gutenberg
no_typographic_man: typeface
no_typographic_man: beautifulsoup
no_typographic_man: shoku2op
no_typographic_man: shoku1op
no_typographic_man: Plantin Moretus Museum, Antwerp, Belgium
no_typographic_man: Buddhist sticker in Taipei
no_typographic_man: PICT0051
no_typographic_man: Gutenberg100
no_typographic_man: Fournier
no_typographic_man: Dionysius Longinus, On The Sublime, Bodoni 1793.
no_typographic_man: RomanInscription400
no_typographic_man: exhibition400
no_typographic_man: Times Preview March 3-18, 1982. about the exhibition: "The Art of Lettering and the March of HIstory" planned by the late Ms. Nicolete Gray
no_typographic_man: Tschichold400
no_typographic_man: wheeler400
no_typographic_man: Jackson Burke's exliblis
no_typographic_man: colloquial400
no_typographic_man: directionline
no_typographic_man: catchword
no_typographic_man: Christophe Plantin
no_typographic_man: Kubla Khan set in Bernhard Gothic