kurtsj00: IMG_1069a North Hampton
kurtsj00: IMG_1071a sunflowers on Berchtold road
kurtsj00: IMG_1075a down to the creek on 400E
kurtsj00: IMG_1080a looking north on 400E
kurtsj00: IMG_1081a detour at North Valley rd
kurtsj00: IMG_1085 the pulled pork is a little chewy
kurtsj00: IMG_1086 bulk quantities of donuts are available
kurtsj00: IMG_1087 a single donut is good too
kurtsj00: IMG_1090 N Valley road is closed west of the bike route
kurtsj00: IMG_1091a working on a bridge on N Valley road
kurtsj00: 2023-06-04_0847b horses along North Hampton road
kurtsj00: 2023-06-04_0844 North Hampton road
kurtsj00: IMG_0796 1700E is still gravel
kurtsj00: 2023 Tanners Orchard vintage bike ride map v01
kurtsj00: ridewithgps map image
kurtsj00: 2023-06-04_0853a doe and fawn at creek
kurtsj00: IMG_1249 summer is fading
kurtsj00: IMG_1252 the corn is drying
kurtsj00: IMG_1253 the tasty apple fritter
kurtsj00: IMG_1257 the bakery at Tanners
kurtsj00: IMG_1258 apples and tomatoes
kurtsj00: IMG_1259 not familiar with all of these apples
kurtsj00: IMG_1262 some corn is completely dry
kurtsj00: IMG_1319 Julians tandem built by Tom Teesdale
kurtsj00: IMG_1317 Julians tandem built by Tom Teesdale
kurtsj00: IMG_1318 Julians tandem built by Tom Teesdale
kurtsj00: IMG_1346a Illinois river along River Beach Dr
kurtsj00: IMG_1348a Shore Acres park entrance
kurtsj00: IMG_1349a water fountain is working
kurtsj00: IMG_1351 restroom is unlocked