kurtsj00: DSC_0043 mammoth sculpture
kurtsj00: DSC_0045 overlooking the Horicon marsh
kurtsj00: DSC_0046 taxidermied sandhill crane and geese
kurtsj00: DSC_0048 you can see the turtle from below
kurtsj00: DSC_0049 tank with a hiding turtle
kurtsj00: DSC_0052 hunter and mammoth sculptures at Horicon marsh
kurtsj00: DSC_0053a geese at the marsh
kurtsj00: DSC_0054
kurtsj00: DSC_0055a muskrat
kurtsj00: DSC_0057 muskrat diving to hide
kurtsj00: DSC_0060 geese couple
kurtsj00: DSC_0065 sandhill crane
kurtsj00: DSC_0066 sandhill crane
kurtsj00: DSC_0068 lonesome egg
kurtsj00: DSC_0069a pair of geese in flight
kurtsj00: DSC_0070a canada goose in flight