Kurt Lawson: Keeping pace with a steam engine on the freeway
Kurt Lawson: Steam down the Freeway
Kurt Lawson: 3751 heads to pick up passengers
Kurt Lawson: 3751 backs towards Union Station
Kurt Lawson: 3751 returns down the freeway
Kurt Lawson: Steam, cars and cameras
Kurt Lawson: Steaming towards Union Station
Kurt Lawson: Black smoke show
Kurt Lawson: Clean stack in the flat lands
Kurt Lawson: How much water is in the tender?
Kurt Lawson: Shiny metal
Kurt Lawson: Sleeping Beauty
Kurt Lawson: Over the river and through the woods
Kurt Lawson: 844 Crosses the Mojave
Kurt Lawson: Steam on the Freeway
Kurt Lawson: 765 Picks Up Speed
Kurt Lawson: Set the controls
Kurt Lawson: Steam in the City
Kurt Lawson: Power at Sunset
Kurt Lawson: Black Beauty and Black Smoke
Kurt Lawson: Black Beauty and Black Smoke (Black and White Version)
Kurt Lawson: Pistons of Power
Kurt Lawson: Resting Steam
Kurt Lawson: Set the Controls for Roanoke
Kurt Lawson: Connections
Kurt Lawson: Steam Dream
Kurt Lawson: Full Steam Ahead
Kurt Lawson: Simmer
Kurt Lawson: The Race Is On
Kurt Lawson: In the Cut