kev/null: Gathering Around
kev/null: Gathering Around
kev/null: "I Lined Up In Star Wars With You ..."
kev/null: Chess Master
kev/null: Ramone, Gabriel, Jane
kev/null: Enjoying the view
kev/null: Jane is thoughtful
kev/null: Gabriel
kev/null: Brian winds up
kev/null: Catching a high one
kev/null: Log wrestling
kev/null: Can you hear me now?
kev/null: Paulien in deep thought
kev/null: Fooooood
kev/null: Oli checks out Bob's camera
kev/null: Karon and Gretchen
kev/null: Warming their hands
kev/null: Tom, Oli, Bob
kev/null: Yellow Team Starts to Form
kev/null: Teams Forming
kev/null: Purple team forming
kev/null: Post Exchange
kev/null: Where to?
kev/null: Interior
kev/null: Doors
kev/null: Stairway to nowhere
kev/null: IMGP7168
kev/null: The Bench Not For Sitting
kev/null: Geocoding
kev/null: Yellow team discusses next steps