kev/null: On their way
kev/null: Red Umbrella
kev/null: Groomsmen-33
kev/null: On their way
kev/null: Bouquet
kev/null: Groomsmen
kev/null: Best Man
kev/null: Darren
kev/null: Open up and say, "ah"
kev/null: A quiet moment
kev/null: First sight
kev/null: Blur
kev/null: Bridesmaid greeting
kev/null: Putting the money together
kev/null: Finally open
kev/null: Serenading the balcony
kev/null: Plotting the song
kev/null: Final task assigned
kev/null: Awaiting a song
kev/null: Huddling
kev/null: Groomsmen Pushups
kev/null: Groom Pushups
kev/null: Your mission, should you choose to accept it
kev/null: Ow. I need water.
kev/null: Forced to eat chili sauce
kev/null: The first task to pass the gate
kev/null: The gang
kev/null: Trying to get in
kev/null: "I have a bad feeling about this"
kev/null: "Let us in!"