kev/null: Hyatt Lobby
kev/null: Cherry Blossoms by Burrard Station
kev/null: Cherry Blossoms by Burrard Station
kev/null: Cherry Blossoms by Burrard Station
kev/null: Sette Pizza
kev/null: My Old Hangout
kev/null: Caffe Sette
kev/null: Sette Artte
kev/null: Cheescake
kev/null: Mark
kev/null: "Please Don't Kill Me!"
kev/null: Something Carpaccio
kev/null: Opening Plenary
kev/null: IMGP9204
kev/null: Drawing portraits of each other
kev/null: Chris sketching ideas
kev/null: IMGP9212
kev/null: James and Tutti
kev/null: Vinicio and Mira
kev/null: Kyle and Wilo
kev/null: Lorelei and Andrew
kev/null: Sonya
kev/null: Jane's Studying ...
kev/null: IA is Out
kev/null: Cut and Paste
kev/null: James and Tutti
kev/null: Lorelei and Andrew
kev/null: Sonya and Cynthia
kev/null: Kyle and Wilo
kev/null: Vinicio and Mira