kev/null: Jesse led the way!
kev/null: little stream and bright sun ray
kev/null: stream
kev/null: IMGP6708
kev/null: Helen's back
kev/null: Tiger Lily
kev/null: Banana Slug
kev/null: Moss
kev/null: Dogwood - BC flower
kev/null: Fungus
kev/null: wild flower
kev/null: The cliff
kev/null: The first view
kev/null: Lunch break
kev/null: me =)
kev/null: me again!
kev/null: Chipmunk is looking at me =)
kev/null: Chipmunk
kev/null: Wiskey Jack
kev/null: glacier lake
kev/null: crossing a stream
kev/null: The view from the small bridge
kev/null: small stream
kev/null: We are getting close to Garibaldi Lake
kev/null: Garibaldi Lake 1
kev/null: Garibaldi Lake 2
kev/null: Hopping
kev/null: white heather
kev/null: John with his camara
kev/null: Garibaldi Lake 3