sendroiu: Mother tongue
jam343: sakura at Nagayo Dam
ゆたぽん: メジロ 2022/02/28
piyopiyo4649: TAKE OFF in explor2/5
Kengo Kobayashi: Nucifraga caryocatactes/ホシガラス
yasuyan: 野鳥
ゆたぽん: 20220225メジロ
Ayubi3104: Eurasian siskin♀
ja1dql: ojirowasi
MRSY: Obama Fukui, manhole cover 6 (福井県小浜市のマンホール6)
slowhand7530: lunar eclipse
slowhand7530: spring scene
slowhand7530: 水溜まりの中の秋
Toshiya Hasegawa: 4Z3A8619.jpg
potaufeu: 朝の散歩(エージェント活動)、涼しくて気持ちいい #なんじゃもんじゃ #Ingress
slowhand7530: 江戸彼岸
Patrick Vierthaler (using albums): Monochrome Manpuku-ji 萬福寺
Toshiya Hasegawa: 4Z3A2360.jpg
slowhand7530: 枯蒼
slowhand7530: autumn weed
potopoto53age: Stained glass of autumn (Apple iPhone 6)
Patrick Vierthaler (using albums): Just Fuku-chan the Cat