kuow949: John Grade. Circuit (Main), 2010. Glazed ceramic bonded with gypsum polymer to corn-based resin embedded with marine netting. 9 x 24 x 24 feet.
kuow949: John Grade. Circuit (Main), 2010
kuow949: John Grade. Circuit, 2010. Charcoal on paper. 31 x 47 inches.
kuow949: John Grade. Circuit (preserved), 2010
kuow949: John Grade. Circuit (Main) (above), 2010
kuow949: John Grade. Jetty, 2010. Wood and resin. 8 x 16 x 9 inches
kuow949: John Grade. Bream, 2010. Wood. 19 x 22 x 15 inches
kuow949: John Grade. Bream (alt view), 2010
kuow949: John Grade. Winter Breaks, 2010. Wood and resin. 40 x 27 x 13 inches