kumiko.beth: 初詣(They visited to a shrine on New Year's Day)
kumiko.beth: 朝6時過ぎ(At 6 o'clock in the morning)
kumiko.beth: 2013_01_06 ご飯に向かって全速力(Beth dashed for food)
kumiko.beth: ラブラドゥードル(Labradoodle)
kumiko.beth: 行っちゃあ駄目(Stay here)
kumiko.beth: ノートパソコン?(Laptop conputer?)
kumiko.beth: 1999年(In 1999)
kumiko.beth: ここはどこでしょう?(Where is here?)
kumiko.beth: 雪(Snow)
kumiko.beth: ブログ本(Book of Beth's blog)
kumiko.beth: 13歳と11歳(13 years old and 11yeras old)
kumiko.beth: ベスのお気に入りの庭(Beth's favorite garden)
kumiko.beth: 午前6時40分(AM6:40)
kumiko.beth: 午前6時(AM 6:00)
kumiko.beth: べっちゃんは聞いている(What is Beth listening?)
kumiko.beth: ベスの新しいリード(A new Beth's lead)
kumiko.beth: P1030428
kumiko.beth: 2013_02_26 べっちゃんキアンティ クラシコを飲む(Beth drinks CHIANTI CLASSICO)
kumiko.beth: もうすぐ春(It will be spring soon)
kumiko.beth: 可愛いベス(Beth is cute)
kumiko.beth: 桜、月、ベス(Cherry blossom,Moon,Beth)
kumiko.beth: 台風が去ってから(After typhoon)
kumiko.beth: 我が家のワンコとニャンコ(My dog and cat)
kumiko.beth: 3人で散歩(A walk in three)
kumiko.beth: 単焦点レンズ購入(I bought lens for Beth)
kumiko.beth: 単焦点レンズ購入(I bought lens for Beth)
kumiko.beth: 真剣に写真を選ぶ(Bethpapa serects photos seriously)
kumiko.beth: 春を感じる(Beth feels Spring)
kumiko.beth: 無(Vacant)
kumiko.beth: ベスとベスpapa(Beth and Bethpapa)