JAKULL: Smelling the flowers while we wait for late people!
JAKULL: Caleb waiting patiently...
JAKULL: Kristin & Caleb in the Shade
JAKULL: Taming the Tiger
JAKULL: Say "Siegfried and Roy!"
JAKULL: 3 Little Monkeys
JAKULL: Monkeying Around
JAKULL: Not so sure about the feeding the deer thing...
JAKULL: Pottie Time!
JAKULL: "Hey Ben, guess what I am doing right now?"
JAKULL: Ben checking out the pot bellied pigs
JAKULL: Time for a cruise
JAKULL: Cruisin...
JAKULL: Takin his girl for a ride
JAKULL: Round and round they go!
JAKULL: Okay...enough of the car pics!
JAKULL: A new round and round ride
JAKULL: Yeah...I'm having fun!
JAKULL: The old people resting!
JAKULL: Carousel
JAKULL: Kristin & Caleb getting dizzy
JAKULL: Ben & Me...and Ginger the Pony
JAKULL: Alaina & Lindsay...and Chucky the Pony
JAKULL: Giddyup Ginger!
JAKULL: Clinging to the Giraffe for life!