JAKULL: Westward Orchards
JAKULL: Bluegrass Music
JAKULL: Benny groovin to the tunes
JAKULL: Fluff containers for berries!
JAKULL: This way to the Blueberries!
JAKULL: Time to go to work
JAKULL: Long road...
JAKULL: "Just the purple ones"
JAKULL: Good pickins
JAKULL: Blueberry Fluff
JAKULL: Kristin hard at work
JAKULL: Gotcha!
JAKULL: Exploring the Blueberry Bushes
JAKULL: Gettin the high ones
JAKULL: Feeding Mommy
JAKULL: Ben preparing to build a scarecrow
JAKULL: Contemplating his scarecrow
JAKULL: Lindsay, Pattie, & Alaina
JAKULL: Alaina the Witch
JAKULL: Ben the Scarecrow
JAKULL: Ben & Alaina
JAKULL: "hey you lost your hat Mister Scarecrow"
JAKULL: Kristin & Ben stuff the Scarecrow
JAKULL: More stuffing...
JAKULL: Family Shot
JAKULL: Ben chillin with Scarecrow