Kuky Ideas: Super Baby ANNNNND Super Dog!!!
Kuky Ideas: Pattern 2
Kuky Ideas: Tall enough to ride. ALONE
Kuky Ideas: We didn't want to chance the spinning teacups. You know, chance vomitting everywhere
Kuky Ideas: Not afraid of the carousel anymore
Kuky Ideas: She loved this so much she rode it four times
Kuky Ideas: I sorta like the scary clown garbage cans
Kuky Ideas: Driving
Kuky Ideas: Where I startd to hyperventilate imagining her tumbling out
Kuky Ideas: She loved flying
Kuky Ideas: No driver to control the up and down
Kuky Ideas: Didn't want to get off the plane
Kuky Ideas: Ballooooon!
Kuky Ideas: Kazoo blowing, tricycle riding, party loving Isabelle
Kuky Ideas: My sister Helen, cousin Cynthia, and nephew Ebow
Kuky Ideas: Mess of kids
Kuky Ideas: My sister's little family plus one on the way
Kuky Ideas: Yum cake!
Kuky Ideas: Caaaarrrr!!
Kuky Ideas: Rolling around like the kids
Kuky Ideas: Pattern 2 lengthened
Kuky Ideas: Sliding cousins
Kuky Ideas: Pretending to be Spiderman
Kuky Ideas: Isabelle screaming with my mom
Kuky Ideas: Where did the bouncer go?
Kuky Ideas: Getting what she wanted