kudumomo: Paris-la Seine
kudumomo: Paris
kudumomo: L'Arc deTrimoph
kudumomo: L'ArcDeTrimoph at night
kudumomo: La Tour Eiffel at night
kudumomo: Paris-La Tour Effiel1
kudumomo: La Tour Effiel
kudumomo: Paris1
kudumomo: SacreCoeur
kudumomo: SacreCoeur
kudumomo: Paris-Louvre
kudumomo: NAPOLEON
kudumomo: The Gate of Hell in detail
kudumomo: Rodin- Le Penseur 1881
kudumomo: Rodin- Baiser 1888 - 1889
kudumomo: Rodin Garden
kudumomo: FIREWORK
kudumomo: Rouen
kudumomo: Rouen1
kudumomo: Rouen-Cathedrale
kudumomo: Rouen-ESC
kudumomo: Mont St Michel
kudumomo: Mt St Michel in the evening
kudumomo: Take a clear look...
kudumomo: What a beautiful place!
kudumomo: a view from Mt St Michel
kudumomo: Mont St.Michel-beach1
kudumomo: Strasbourg-EU
kudumomo: Etretat
kudumomo: Etretat1