KTUH Alumni: ONLINE GALLERY SHOW IMAGES. These are photos of the spring, 2010 Hamilton gallery show followed by all of the actual show images and additional materials. Plus, there are archive photos originally posted for identification posted after the gallery show.
KTUH Alumni: Title poster, gallery show
KTUH Alumni: Gallery Show Entry
KTUH Alumni: Gallery Show Title Poster
KTUH Alumni: Hamilton Library Bridge Gallery, UH Manoa Campus
KTUH Alumni: Posters and Shirts
KTUH Alumni: Banner
KTUH Alumni: Displays
KTUH Alumni: KTUH Banner yellow
KTUH Alumni: Wall Posters
KTUH Alumni: Wall Posters
KTUH Alumni: Elise St. Clair and Nick Yee (2009-2010 GM)
KTUH Alumni: Alumni Gene Descalzi and Jim Tomitagawa (1968 staff members)
KTUH Alumni: More Wall Posters
KTUH Alumni: Technics Turntable
KTUH Alumni: Remote Gear
KTUH Alumni: Reel to Reel
KTUH Alumni: Music LPs
KTUH Alumni: Memorabilia
KTUH Alumni: More Memorabilia
KTUH Alumni: Log Book
KTUH Alumni: Original Hawai'i Hall Tower Section
KTUH Alumni: William
KTUH Alumni: Louis Steed
KTUH Alumni: KUOH 50s dudes
KTUH Alumni: KUOH Monophonic 10 Watt Xmtr
KTUH Alumni: KTUH 1968-1969 yearbook photo
KTUH Alumni: Looking Back 40 Years . . .
KTUH Alumni: Program Guide Inside Oct 13 1968