kasiat: Parking on sidewalks
kasiat: Warsaw Taxi
kasiat: Kiosk Ruchu
kasiat: "Fluffy sizes"
kasiat: Bus stop
kasiat: Warsaw's finest
kasiat: Polish Sushi!
kasiat: Ugly apartment buildings in Warsaw
kasiat: Amigos, American Steakhouse!
kasiat: I went to preschool here, now it's a school
kasiat: Kids hangout from back in the day!
kasiat: Streets are so much smaller than I remember
kasiat: Many streets are unpaved in smaller towns
kasiat: My walk to elementary school
kasiat: Spent soo many hours on this corner chatting with friends after school
kasiat: My elementary school
kasiat: Every school needs an anti-aircraft gun in front of it
kasiat: Modern Polish housing
kasiat: Love the fences
kasiat: Ugly communist housing
kasiat: This is a skating rink in winter
kasiat: Public ping pong table in a playground
kasiat: Movie theater/Public library/Cultural center of Piastów
kasiat: What's a Mok?
kasiat: Electronics & such store
kasiat: Ice cream shoppe & bakery from my childhood
kasiat: Piastów train station
kasiat: Weeds on train tracks
kasiat: The train is coming, the train is coming!
kasiat: My second choice of hotels, looks better than mine, but mine's cheaper!