ktpupp: danica3
ktpupp: danica1
ktpupp: Raw00154
ktpupp: Audi - TDI Power, a Diesel racecar!
ktpupp: Raw00166
ktpupp: alms1
ktpupp: Flying Lizard
ktpupp: Raw00303
ktpupp: Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
ktpupp: Ryan Briscoe
ktpupp: Day 325 - At the Detroit Grand Prix
ktpupp: Porsche
ktpupp: Buddy Rice
ktpupp: Kosuke Matsuura, Super Aguri Panther Racing
ktpupp: Vitor Meira, on track
ktpupp: Marco Andretti, on track
ktpupp: Helio Castroneves
ktpupp: Marco Andretti
ktpupp: A pair of Audi R10 racers
ktpupp: Just before the crash...
ktpupp: Houston, we have a problem...
ktpupp: Look ma, no hands!
ktpupp: Day 327 - We watched the race with Danica's dad!
ktpupp: Tony Kanaan - Winner Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
ktpupp: Tony Kanaan - Winner Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix