Kt McCall: On the Tractor Part II
Kt McCall: On the Tractor
Kt McCall: 2nd birthday carosel ride with Mama
Kt McCall: Counting and other topics with Aunt Katie
Kt McCall: Backwards
Kt McCall: He-he
Kt McCall: Night Night
Kt McCall: Plex
Kt McCall: Knock Knock Part I
Kt McCall: Dancing with ribbons (and taking out the compost)
Kt McCall: Lady Bug on the couch
Kt McCall: Reading
Kt McCall: Muno
Kt McCall: Go go go (and night night)
Kt McCall: Jumping on the bed
Kt McCall: For Bema and Scott: Measurements
Kt McCall: I Voted Sticker
Kt McCall: Knock Knock Part II
Kt McCall: No Bow
Kt McCall: Gloves
Kt McCall: Drawing with Hildy
Kt McCall: On a Walk
Kt McCall: Building a Lego Castle
Kt McCall: Building a Block Tower (and knocking it down)
Kt McCall: Cow in the Cradle
Kt McCall: New Swimsuit
Kt McCall: Reading Piggy a Book
Kt McCall: Soccer
Kt McCall: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Kt McCall: "Let's pretend!"