Kt McCall: And we're off!
Kt McCall: Coils
Kt McCall: Shades
Kt McCall: Anne and Robin
Kt McCall: Katixa
Kt McCall: Mateo and Anita
Kt McCall: Carlina, Anne, and Robin
Kt McCall: The Golden Gate
Kt McCall: International Orange
Kt McCall: Angel Island
Kt McCall: Antoineisha and Mikaela
Kt McCall: Piper
Kt McCall: Tara and Yvonne
Kt McCall: Purdy
Kt McCall: Canadian geese
Kt McCall: Hello Jelly Fish!
Kt McCall: Making a Point
Kt McCall: Gull
Kt McCall: Map Consult
Kt McCall: Women
Kt McCall: Presenting the Plan
Kt McCall: Mmmmm... Potato Chips
Kt McCall: Debby, Julie, Anne, and Jenn
Kt McCall: The Women's Community Clinic
Kt McCall: Tree lined path
Kt McCall: Marin hillside
Kt McCall: Yellow building
Kt McCall: Swimmers
Kt McCall: Dante and Ketixa
Kt McCall: Photographer