Kt McCall: Tyler and Mieka
Kt McCall: Anthony, Andrew, and Ed
Kt McCall: Eeek!
Kt McCall: Stucco on the Guitar
Kt McCall: Group Camping
Kt McCall: Ponderosa Pine
Kt McCall: Thinking Man
Kt McCall: Andrew Storing Telling -- Part I (the opening)
Kt McCall: Andrew Story Telling -- Part II (the joke/complicated hand gesture)
Kt McCall: Andrew Story Telling -- Part III (the closing)
Kt McCall: Actual Ponderosa pine next to a giant foot
Kt McCall: Tyler
Kt McCall: Mieka in the spotlight
Kt McCall: Ed discovers there was tequila in the margaritas
Kt McCall: Andrew and Sarah
Kt McCall: Mieka
Kt McCall: Playing Uno
Kt McCall: Camera Man
Kt McCall: Anthony gets the Howler
Kt McCall: Gilman Road