kthatcher: reina sofia
kthatcher: stairwell
kthatcher: gossip much?
kthatcher: projections
kthatcher: curtain
kthatcher: curtain
kthatcher: hotel
kthatcher: handrail
kthatcher: reina sofia
kthatcher: pleased to meet you, too
kthatcher: crowds
kthatcher: a little out of scale
kthatcher: reina sofia
kthatcher: upside down
kthatcher: skylight
kthatcher: tanisha and ana
kthatcher: reina sofia courtyard
kthatcher: CaixaForum
kthatcher: CaixaForum
kthatcher: CaixaForum
kthatcher: CaixaForum
kthatcher: CaixaForum underside
kthatcher: here is the steeple
kthatcher: madrid
kthatcher: steve
kthatcher: alejandro
kthatcher: dessert
kthatcher: madrid
kthatcher: plaza mayor