ktb83: felted purse
ktb83: Hermione's hat
ktb83: P1010465
ktb83: Before felting Celly
ktb83: Celly Before
ktb83: Celly before
ktb83: Celly Before
ktb83: Celly and cell phone before felting
ktb83: Boo!
ktb83: Celly
ktb83: After felting celly
ktb83: Celly after
ktb83: Celly after
ktb83: Boo
ktb83: Lucky Lefty!
ktb83: Moms christmas socks
ktb83: Mom's mitts
ktb83: Close up of moms mitts
ktb83: Moms Mitts
ktb83: Mom's Birthday socks
ktb83: Mom christmas socks
ktb83: Mom's bday socks
ktb83: Mom's Bday socks
ktb83: Mom's Birthday Socks
ktb83: Boo!
ktb83: Halloween Socks
ktb83: Halloween socks
ktb83: Back of Electra
ktb83: Cabling on Electra
ktb83: Glittery scarf