kt.ries: Jarius Bush and LIz Moniz
kt.ries: Diane Fox, Bud Ries, and Beauvais Lyons
kt.ries: Jarius
kt.ries: chicory blossom
kt.ries: Red Hickey at Beardsley
kt.ries: team in arbor
kt.ries: heirloom beans
kt.ries: Kat and beans
kt.ries: leather britches
kt.ries: beans
kt.ries: bean display
kt.ries: pruning workshop (with big dog)
kt.ries: repainting the sign at Beardsley
kt.ries: refreshing a sign at Beardsley
kt.ries: old sign at Beardsley
kt.ries: shiitake log
kt.ries: greenhouse with snow
kt.ries: circle in the sun
kt.ries: up
kt.ries: barn
kt.ries: building our baffles
kt.ries: staking the wall
kt.ries: Raise the Roots poster
kt.ries: carrots
kt.ries: pak choi
kt.ries: pak choi
kt.ries: borage flowers
kt.ries: big black radish
kt.ries: root study
kt.ries: cutting comb