KateStJohn_Birdblog: Four purple martin houses
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Four purple martin houses
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martins' house
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martins above their house
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martins gathering at dusk
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martins gathering at dusk
KateStJohn_Birdblog: female purple martin
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Bob's house and the get-together
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martins coming and going
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martin house
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martin house
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Purple martin nestlings on nestcam