KateStJohn_Birdblog: Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Honeybee at Blue Vervain
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tall Meadow Rue (Thalictrum pubescens)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Red spotted purple butterfly (Limenitis arthemis)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tall Ironweed (Vernonia altissima)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Swamp Thistle (Cirsium muticum)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum, formerly known as Eupatorium purpureum)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum, formerly known as Eupatorium purpureum)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Groundnut (Apios americana)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tall/Giant Sunflower (Helianthus giganteus)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tall/Giant Sunflower (Helianthus giganteus), a favorite with bees
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Swamp Thistle in bud (Cirsium muticum)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Downy Skullcap (Scutellaria incana)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Moneyflower with odd bug
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Monkeyflower (Mimulus rigens)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Thimbleweed gone to seed (Anemone virginiana)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Swamp Milkweed with honeybee (Asclepias incarnata)
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Spider silk in the fog
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Green-headed Coneflower, Schenley Park, August 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Common Boneset, Schenley Park, August 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Jewelweed wilting, Schenley Park, August 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: American spikenard at Schenley Park, 20 August 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: American spikenard fruit at Schenley Park, 20 August 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tulip tree leaves with anthracnose, plus new leaves
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Tulip tree leaves with anthracnose, plus new leaves
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Asian lady beetles mating, Schenley Park, 25 Aug 2015
KateStJohn_Birdblog: Asian lady beetles mating, Schenley Park, 25 Aug 2015