K. Sawyer Photography: Dia de los Muertos parade bicyclists
K. Sawyer Photography: "The Best Government Our Money Can Buy"
K. Sawyer Photography: "The Best Government Our Money Can Buy"
K. Sawyer Photography: Coronado Elementary School
K. Sawyer Photography: Coronado Elementary School
K. Sawyer Photography: El Mitt: "Of course, a border fence"
K. Sawyer Photography: El Mitt: "Turn off the immigrant magnet"
K. Sawyer Photography: Dia de los Muertos parade pet memorial
K. Sawyer Photography: "20 Years of Raising the Dead"
K. Sawyer Photography: "Recordando a Nuestras Mascotas Muertas"
K. Sawyer Photography: Dia de los Muertos facepaint
K. Sawyer Photography: Dia de los Muertos chef
K. Sawyer Photography: "Save the Bees Pleez"