Kathrin & Stefan: Everything packed - Ready to go
Kathrin & Stefan: Loading everything into the Magic White Van (MWV)
Kathrin & Stefan: Taupo, here we come
Kathrin & Stefan: Annalily - always a smile at hand
Kathrin & Stefan: Fuelling up
Kathrin & Stefan: Living out of boxes for the next two days
Kathrin & Stefan: Lunch box
Kathrin & Stefan: Picnic in Cambridge
Kathrin & Stefan: More vans - Are they all Oxfam teams?
Kathrin & Stefan: Our accommodation - kindly donated
Kathrin & Stefan: Moving in
Kathrin & Stefan: Moving in
Kathrin & Stefan: Moving in
Kathrin & Stefan: Hope we won't need it
Kathrin & Stefan: Te Maari - still smoking
Kathrin & Stefan: The finishing line being set up
Kathrin & Stefan: On our way to registration
Kathrin & Stefan: Only 14 hours until we start walking
Kathrin & Stefan: Filling in the forms
Kathrin & Stefan: Getting our "biv"
Kathrin & Stefan: Registering
Kathrin & Stefan: Team leader registration
Kathrin & Stefan: Nicola welcoming the walkers and teir teams
Kathrin & Stefan: Welcoming the walkers and their teams
Kathrin & Stefan: Welcoming the walkers and their teams
Kathrin & Stefan: Great Lake Centre
Kathrin & Stefan: Weather is looking good
Kathrin & Stefan: Final shopping spree
Kathrin & Stefan: Back for preparing dinner
Kathrin & Stefan: A tiny rainbow